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http://www.100md.com 2018年3月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第5期


, 百拇医药     [中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)05-0067-04

    The Comparative Study on Aesthetic Effect of Thyroid Surgical Incision with Kangpaite Medical Glue Repair and Intradermal Suture

    WANG Yan,LIU Jing,TIAN Lian-lian

    (Operation Room,Qingdao Jiaozhou Central Hospital,Qingdao 266300,Shandong,China)

    Abstract: Objective To analyze the healing effect and aesthetic effect of incision in patients with thyroid surgery repaired by Kangpaite medical glue and intradermal suture, and provide reference for selection of patients with thyroid surgery incision treatment. Methods 120 patients underwent thyroid surgery January 2015 to December 2017 in our hospital were selected, and they were divided into two groups accorded to the surgical incision treatment, 63 patients in the suture group were treated with endovascular suture, the glue group(57 cases)were used to sew the dermis and then repaired with Kangpaite medical glue. The incision and suture time, postoperative 6h, 24h and 48h pain score, incision healing time, incision healing level, incision healing appearance score and patient satisfaction rate between the two groups were compared. Results The time of incision suture, the healing time of the incision, the pain score of 6h, 24h and 48h after operation, the rate of wound healing and the appearance of the wound healing in the glue group were obvioussly superior to those of the suture group, and the satisfaction rate of the surgical incision recovery was significantly higher than that in the suture group, the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The operative incision was repaired with the Kangpaite medical glue, the healing effect of the incision was better, especially for the recovery of the incision appearance, and it is a high clinical value.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: thyroid surgical incision; appearance; Kangpaite medical glue; suture; wound healing; aesthetic effect; comparative study

    隨着我国医学模式由传统的生物医学模式向社会-心理-生物医学模式转变,患者的身心感受成为评价医疗服务质量和水平的重要指标之一。甲状腺是临床常见疾病,对于符合手术指征的甲状腺手术患者,影响其身心感受的重要指标是切口愈合质量[1]。由于甲状腺手术切口位置特殊,绝大多数手术切口位置在颈前,而这个位置的平整、光滑是影响面部整体美学最为重要的部位。因此,甲状腺术后切口愈合平整、光滑、外观与术前比较差异最小化是临床追求的目标。切口愈合是包含了细胞内细胞因子和生长因子自分泌和旁分泌相互协调的复杂过程[2-3]。传统的切口缝合技术在缝合过程中未从分子甚至细胞层面考虑对愈合的影响,皮内对接精度较差,愈合过程中细胞因子分泌物的堆积方式难以控制,导致愈合过程中新生物质可能局部堆积过量或者过少,形成凹凸不平的新生组织,产生瘢痕,影响美观[4]。随着医疗技术和材料的不断发展,临床上已开发出多种皮肤粘合剂,从细胞层面、分子层面改善切口愈合过程中的分子或细胞的生成方式,提高切口愈合质量[5-6]。基于上述分析,本研究采用康派特医用胶对甲状腺手术切口表皮进行粘合修复,并与传统缝合对比,观察两种切口处理方式对其外观恢复的影响,为甲状腺手术患者切口处理方案提供参考。现将结果报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(王燕 刘静 田莲莲)
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