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http://www.100md.com 2017年2月15日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第4期
     [摘要] 该研究对云南昭通彝良县7个不同产区栽培乌天麻箭麻的9个农艺性状进行测定,并进行多重比较、相关分析、多元回归分析和通径分析,以期为昭通天麻品质控制和品种选育提供指导。农艺性状多重比较与分析显示,昭通天麻各农艺性状均存在一定程度的变异,其中单个块茎鲜重、环间距和肚脐眼直径变异较大,变异系数接近或超过20%;块茎长、块茎宽、块茎厚、点状横环纹环数和块茎长宽比变异较小,变异系数接近10%,点状横环纹环数、块茎长宽比两性状指标在不同产区间没有差异。相关分析表明,昭通天麻单个块茎鲜重与块茎长、块茎宽、块茎厚呈极显著正相关。通径分析和多元回归分析表明块茎长、块茎宽和块茎厚是影响昭通天麻地下块茎产量的主要因子,是乌天麻高产最佳的农艺性状指标。昭通乌天麻生产上,可将块茎长、块茎宽和块茎厚作为高产品种选育的性状指标,将点状横环纹环数和块茎长宽比作为道地药材品质控制的性状指标。

    [关键词] 昭通天麻; 块茎产量; 农艺性状; 相关分析; 通径分析

    [Abstract] To provide guidance for quality control and variety breeding of Gastrodia elata f. glauca cultivated form in Zhaotong, nine agronomic traits of G. elata f. glauca cultivation form were measured and the traits were analyzed using multiple comparison,correlation analysis, multiple stepwise regression analysis and path analysis. The results of multiple comparison and analysis showed that the number of dot ring and the length-width ratio of tuber were no different in G. elata f. glauca cultivation form. The coefficient of variation about the single tuber fresh weigh, ring spacing and belly button diameter was about 20%. The coefficient of variation about the length of the tuber, the width of the tuber, the thickness of the tuber, the length-width ratio of tuber and the number of dot ring was near 10%. The correlation analysis results showed that the single tuber fresh weigh and the length,the width and the thickness of the tuber were extremely significant positive correlated. The results of multiple stepwise regression analysis and path analysis showed that the length, the width and the thickness of the tuber were the main factors affecting the fresh weight of single tuber,which were the best agronomic traits on high yield of G. elata f. glauca. The length of the tuber,the width of the tuber and the thickness of the tuber, which would be used as indicators of the characteristics of high yield varieties in Zhaotong. The number of dot ring and the length-width ratio of tuber, which would be selected as quality control indicators of the genuine Chinese medicinal materials in Zhaotong.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words] Gastrodia elata in Zhaotong; yield of the tuber; agronomic traits; analysis of correlation; analysis of path

    天麻是蘭科天麻属植物天麻Gastrodia elata Bl.的地下块茎,为我国传统名贵中药材,已有2 000多年的药用历史,具有息风止痉、祛风通络功效[1]。现代药理学研究证明天麻能够调节神经,增强机体免疫力,可用于治疗失眠、头痛、眩晕、肢体麻木等病症[2-3]。《中国地道药材》记载天麻:“本品主产于我国西南诸省……以云南昭通产者最为驰名。”昭通已获得国家质量技术监督局天麻原产地域保护的认证,也是我国当前天麻的五大主产地之一。农艺性状主要是指可以代表作物品质特征的相关性状,具有直观、便于观察以及与作物的生产直接关联等特点,也是药用植物品质评价的重要措施之一[4]。天麻地下块茎的产量是由多个相关因素决定的,各农艺性状对产量的重要性是有主次之分的,且这些性状之间也存在着不同程度的相关性,在实际工作中,弄清各农艺性状对产量影响的主次关系,可以为天麻栽培、品种选育、品质控制提供科学依据。近年来,天麻在化学成分、遗传多样性、指纹图谱等方面己有相关研究,但对天麻的农艺性状进行比较、评价的报道较少。本研究对昭通彝良7个产区栽培乌天麻70份单株植物的9个农艺性状进行观察和测定。采用多重比较、相关分析、回归分析及通径分析的方法,探讨了昭通天麻地下块茎产量同各农艺性状间的相互关系,从而了解影响昭通天麻产量的各农艺性状的相对重要性,为昭通天麻品质控制和品种选育提供参考依据。, 百拇医药(王丽 马聪吉 刘大会 吕德芳 陈骏飞 石子为 张智慧 王家金)
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